Richard Thompson
Margaret Rodger Memorial Presbyterian Church
463 rue Principale, Lachute, Québec, J8H 1Y4

Richard Thompson


He passed away peacefully after a battle with cancer. Other physical ailments took their toll as well.

Eldest child of the late Albert Thompson and the late Eileen Beattie. He leaves behind sister, Mary (Joe Kelly) and brother Philip. Uncle to Joey Kelly and Karen Ohlmann. Great uncle to AJ, Thomas, Annika and Mitchell.

Richard spent his life running the family dairy farm in Saint-Andre d’Argenteuil alongside his father Albert and later in partnership with his mother, Eileen. 

Dairy farming was Richard’s life work. He never ceased striving to improve the genetic quality of his dairy herd.  Many a night was spent checking on cows that were due to calve, be they in the stable in winter or in a field in summer. Keeping alfalfa hay and moulee in front of his livestock was a constant endeavor. 

Family and friends are invited to a commemoration of Richard’s life to be held on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 at 2:00 PM at the Margaret Rodger Memorial Presbyterian Church, 463 rue Principale, Lachute, QC. A reception will follow in the church hall. The family will be present prior to the service to receive condolences. 

In Memoriam donations may be made to the Margaret Rodger Memorial Presbyterian Church, The Lachute Protestant Cemetery or the charity of your choice.

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Mot de

Richard Thompson

Sincères condoléances. Nos pensées vous accompagnent, maintenant et toujours.
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Nous sommes à vos côtés dans cette douloureuse épreuve. Toutes nos condoléances.
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