Shirley MacGeorge Beals


Shirley MacGeorge Beals passed away on April 7 at the Argenteuil Hospital.

She was predeceased by her parents Mona Kennedy and Norman (Bud) MacGeorge.
She is survived by her husband of over 60 years, LeRoy Beals, and by her sons Howard (Robyn) of Rockland Ontario, and David (Sandra) of Seagrave, Ontario. In addition, she leaves dearly beloved grandchildren: Amanda (Tyler Bell) and Nathan Beals, Candace Regimbal (Adam Cybulski) and Luc Regimbal (Jen). A source of great joy are the four great grandchildren: Jack Bell, Annabelle and Keira Cybulski and Ronan Regimbal. She is also survived by several cousins in the Kennedy family.
Shirley began her Teaching Career in 1957 at the age of 17, and except for a few years when her sons were young, she continued until retirement in 1996. Shirley was a great teacher, a great mother, and a wonderful wife. She had a large group of friends, ranging from early childhood years to a new group she made in Florida during 25 years of retirement. Shirley held her friends dear to her heart, and she stayed connected with them over the years.
At Shirley’s request, there will not be a funeral. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.
A donation in her memory may be made to the LRHS Alumni Scholarship Fund, Laurentian Regional High School,448 Argenteuil Ave, Lachute, Que, J8H 1W9.

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Shirley MacGeorge Beals

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